Hans Dieter Pearcey
2007-05-15 23:29:58 UTC
[intentional list change]
sad (he probably didn't phrase it quite that way).
Also, CGIHandler and H::M::Request::CGI have always seemed like second-class
citizens in the mason world to me; it's clear that things evolved first to
handle Apache/mod_perl and then sort of slowly to also cover CGI.
Abstraction of the input method might be a useful design goal for 2.0. It's
something that Catalyst has done very well, as far as my experience goes.
The code may be from the docs, but it seems a little suspect to me. For
example, one could have H::M::ApacheHandler loaded even if one was using
I agree. I think Dave has mentioned that the alter_superclass thing makes himexample, one could have H::M::ApacheHandler loaded even if one was using
sad (he probably didn't phrase it quite that way).
Also, CGIHandler and H::M::Request::CGI have always seemed like second-class
citizens in the mason world to me; it's clear that things evolved first to
handle Apache/mod_perl and then sort of slowly to also cover CGI.
Abstraction of the input method might be a useful design goal for 2.0. It's
something that Catalyst has done very well, as far as my experience goes.